I'm a software engineer and community builder with a penchant for journalism. I'm an aspiring polymath: My thirst for knowledge knows few topical boundaries. I once upon a time aspired to teach high school computer science. I've been involved in non-profits since 2000 and have been running events yearly for 20+ years. I would eventually like to find myself self-employed or working for someone with similar goals and talents, doing whatever I love and loving whatever I am doing. Some goals may include to become a CTO or Distinguished Engineer of a company that I did not start, to be a primary contributor from inception to a product that pays salaries for hundreds of people, never to compromise my integrity and ethics to ship a product or service knowingly, to create a team so cohesive and talented that anyone could leave at any time, but no one wants to, to create a world in which money is not an obstacle to learning.
Check out my portfolio.
Are you considering recruiting me for your next endeavor? If so, please read the rest of this section.
If steps in your interview process not involving human interaction, please find alternatives. For example, if a code test takes more than two hours, please devise an abbreviated test before contacting me. Then, use that test on me and everyone else you interview after me because no code test should ever take more than two non-contiguous hours.
If contrived evaluations like whiteboarding, digital or in-person, would be a part of the interview, please skip these parts of the interview for me. These evaluations do not accurately reflect the skills of the candidates whom I have evaluated over the years. Even I, a confident public speaker and teacher, can choke in that exercise. I have long since eliminated whiteboarding from my interview processes because of its ineffectiveness and would not wish that method upon anyone, interviewee or interviewer.
Because of my involvements and obligations in community leadership activities, businesses, and family, I don't have the bandwidth to study for a technical examination even if such is directly related to the role for which you are pursuing me. I am happy to interview in a process that is well-defined but more accommodating of the life of an engaged professional with obligations outside of the workplace, such as children, a time-consuming hobby, or long-term volunteering.