The Center for the Internet Presence of Colin Dean

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These are some of the publicly-available projects of which I am most proud. Some are still under active development and for some of which my role has ended. Some are things that may return one day to active development. Projects listed here are ones in which I have or had a major role.

  • Maintainer, Data Validator by Target, 2019–. I took over maintainership of this open source data validation tool for Apache Spark shortly after its initial public release.
  • Author and engineer, Code & Supply Compensation Survey & Report, 2017–. I created, researched, directed, conducted, built, analyzed, coded, promoted, sought sponsors for, and wrote the majority of the content for this survey of salaries, bonuses, work-life balance, job satisfaction, and other things tech workers think about w.r.t. their careers and lives.
  • Maintainer, Homebrew Bundle, 2018–2021. I effected upgrades and added functionality to this widely-used dependency manifest component of the Homebrew package manager.
  • Co-author, Building 360° Information Applications. This IBM Redbooks® publication provides information about Watson Explorer 9.0, InfoSphere MDM, and PME for InfoSphere BigInsights™. It gives an overview, describes the architecture, and presents use cases that usable to understand the core capabilities of Watson Explorer, InfoSphere MDM, and PME for BigInsights, realize the full potential of Watson Explorer applications, describe the integration and value of the combination of Watson Explorer and InfoSphere MDM, build a 360-degree information application, and learn by example by following hands-on lab scenarios.
  • fillertext - Ruby library for creating placeholder text in application interfaces. It has thousands of downloads from and powers my own Yinzer Ipsum.
  • Westminster College Money Bomb - impromptu grassroots fundraiser for my alma mater.

Some past projects, links to which may be broken:

There are lots more projects that I can talk about, but have no public link or public documentation of my involvement. Why not ask me about them over a beer?

I keep most of my code on my Github. See the "Sources" tab there for projects I've started, or the "Forks" tab for projects to which I have contributed at some point. There are always projects to which I've contributed that I have removed from my forks list, though, so perhaps give a good search for "colindean" in Github's primary search!